Anthony Erickson
Seismic Data Analyst

Anthony Erickson started at the Earthquake Center as a DoD SkillBridge Program intern. His duties as a seismic data analyst involve locating earthquakes in Alaska and calculating their magnitude using P and S seismic wave arrivals. In addition, he assists with maintaining the center’s field stations in the Alaska Geophysical Network. He brings a wealth of experience to the center. He served 20 years in the United States Air Force, where he specialized in seismic analysis and equipment maintenance at the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), an organization tasked with the worldwide detection of nuclear events. Anthony is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Technical Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Outside of his professional pursuits, Anthony enjoys spending time in his maker-space and coaching the local high school robotics team.
